Comité Asesor impulsa estrategia València Music City

  • The meeting took place at the Palau de la Música with the attendance, among others, of artist José Manuel Casañ, Berklee València’s executive director Simone Pilon, and the president of the Academia de la Música Valenciana, Roberto Loras

  • Among the committee’s contributions are the professionalization of the sector and the coordination of the city’s music programs

  • Councilor of Culture, José Luis Moreno, emphasized «the importance of this project that values the third language of our land, music»

The Music Advisory Committee of València held its first meeting at the Palau de la Música, where the strategic lines of the València Music City project were presented, «an initiative that aims to position music as one of the most powerful axes of the city’s strategy for the coming years,» as explained by Cultural Action Councilor, José Luis Moreno.

In fact, Moreno highlighted «the importance of this project that values, as our mayor says, the third language of our land, music.» This Music Advisory Committee, whose creation was approved last January, is a collaborative body formed by expert individuals and independent professionals that operates as a technical working group.

On her part, Innovation Councilor, Paula Llobet, has revealed that València Music City will be located at Las Naves within the València Innovation Capital project as «one of the city’s social innovation projects in the coming years.»

During the meeting, some of the main contributions made within the València Music City strategy were reviewed, highlighting the interest in engaging and involving the public in the various activities organized in the city. Additionally, there is a focus on the professionalization and specialization of the music sector.

Another important aspect brought by the Music Advisory Committee to the strategy is the need for a real coordination of the city’s entities and institutions’ music programs «so that Valencians can enjoy as many of them as possible without having to choose between high-quality events held in the city,» explained Councilor José Luis Moreno.

The Music Advisory Committee is chaired by Innovation Councilor, Paula Llobet, with Culture Councilor, José Luis Moreno, and Alcaldía General Coordinator, Manuel Tomás, serving as vice presidents. Alongside them, this first meeting of the Advisory Committee included the participation of Banda Municipal de València’s director, Cristóbal Soler; Conservatorio Municipal de Música José Iturbi’s director, Ricardo Roca, and representatives from Valencian Institute of Culture, Superior Institute of Artistic Education of Valencian Community, Valencia’s Diputación, Palau de les Arts, University of València, Coordinadora de Sociedades Musicales de València; Federation of Music Societies of Valencian Community, Lo Rat Penat, Federation of Folklore of Valencian Community, and Association of Music Promoters of Valencian Community.

Among the main objectives of the organization are to carry out monitoring, advisory, and dialogue tasks, as well as to collaborate with the municipal corporation in music matters. Furthermore, the aim is to promote musical activity as a element of social and economic transformation and to serve as a channel for the music sector’s participation in the activities carried out by the City Council and the institutional public sector. Finally, the intention is also to collaborate and provide advice on musical proposals and projects, among other tasks.


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